Wednesday, April 1, 2009

chaussures puma files

puma shoesFrom Initially a German production of sports shoes, small shoes, and to today well-known enterprises in the world, PUMA shoes through an unknown path of development. In recent years, PUMA performance success, the product types than in the past a lot of rich: In addition to continuing to produce other than sports shoes, sportswear, ball games, as well as gloves, sports accessories such as backpacks and handbags are also on the PUMA's LOGO.

In order to Products returned the field of high-grade. PUMA-oriented and excellent start to lead the trend of product design partner.In 1990,there wsa seven well-known designer co-operation with PUMA.And now it has been increased to 50. Many of the creative designers,so design get to a high level of natural, PUMA and the price level of products to enhance them naturally. 1990 PUMA sports shoes were sold 20 marks, and today's high-end pair of PUMA shoes can sell $250.